Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Did Google Increase The Album Limit On Orkut?

(Hat Tip: iWizard)

It looks as if Google has quietly increased the image limit on Orkut albums. Users can now upload a whopping 25 images to Orkut instead of 12, as this screen shot of my album shows below.

Ironically Google still lists the 12 page limit over on their help page.

Although there is no word from the official Orkut blog regarding this change, it seems as if Google is throwing users a small treat for staying on their social network.

Even though this is a welcome change, I think it would be better if Google simply removed the number restriction all together, and simply based it upon the amount of space users took up (perhaps even tying it to their "Google hard drive" service).

Note: Come on Google! You allow users to upload videos without "numerical" restrictions. Why not images as well? :-)
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