Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Google Adds "Related Forums" Feature In Orkut

It looks as if Google has added a feature that will allow users to see which forums they have in common with friends (as well as strangers).

(Official Orkut Blog) Since orkut communities are all about the idea that everyone has something in common with everyone else, we've made it a little easier to see these shared interests. We just launched a feature I built that will show you which communities you have in common with other orkut members. To check it out, go to anyone's orkut profile, click on the "view all" button below their communities, and then go to the new tab on this page, "mutual communities."

This is a great feature that will definitely help me out whenever someone I don't know sends me a friend request.

For those of you who enjoy visuals (like me), here is how you can see this new feature in action.

Simply find a profile of a friend or a future friend (in this case I am going to use someone who has recently send me a friend request).

Simply visit (or click) on their profile, and scroll towards the right hand bottom of the screen where it says "his communities" (and if it is a lady, then it would be "her communities").

Next, click on the "view all" button near the bottom of the "his communities" section...

...which should take you to a new orkut page showing two tabs: his communities and your "mutual communities." Simply click on the "mutual communities" tab...

...and you will be enlightened by the common forums that you share with your new friend!

I currently do not have any suggestions on how Google could improve upon this, although if anyone has any good ideas, be sure to let me know!
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