Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More Evidence Of Picasa Orkut Integration?

(Hat Tip: Luis Guilherme)

Luis over at Inside Orkut Brasil has published some screen shots highlighting of what could be the beginning of Picasa Web Albums integrating with (or hopefully replacing) Orkut Albums.

Notice how similar these arrows look like when compared to the ones used in Picasa Web Albums.

I'm not seeing anything yet, although if this rumor is true hopefully it will be something more than a cosmetic change as Picasa Albums has a lot more function (and space) than Orkut Albums.

Note: Is anybody else seeing this?

Update (5/16): I see this in my Album right now, and Luis has informed me that Google is rolling this out to more profiles.

(Orkut Help Group) You asked for it, so we're adding a better way to flip through
somebody's photo album on orkut.

Instead of having to click on a photo, then click "back to album" to
get to the next pic, you can now just click on the arrows above the
pic to see the next or last one!

We're rolling this out a few profiles at a time, so just hold tight if
you don't see it yet.

Happy scrolling!
orkut Guide

By the looks of this, it seems as if this is nothing more than a cosmetic change. Alas, and I was looking forward to Picasa becoming one with Orkut Albums soooo much.
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