Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Software For Orkut: Scrapboy (Version 2.0)

It has been a long time since I last reviewed Scrapboy, which in my opinion was one of the best software programs to use for Orkut (at least as far as scraping goes).

Ever since its launch Scrapboy has had some competition, mainly from Agent Orkut (which seems to have gone missing in action as of late).

Anyways, Scrapboy has relaunched a whole new version of the scrap chat program, which is not only a lot easier to install (compared to version 1.0), but a lot more user friendly as well.

While Scrapboy does include the basic text editing functions (like inserting color, style, etc.) it does have a few noticeable features that may convince users to send scraps through the program rather than logging into Orkut.

Search Thy Friend

One cool feature that I enjoyed is the friend search bar at the top. If one has over several hundred friends on Orkut, it can be a pain to find them on the friend list, and then scrap them on Orkut.

Scrapboy eliminates this by putting a friend search bar, which means you can easily find (and scrap) your friend within a few seconds (depending on how long their name is of course).

Orkut Slide Show

Another cool feature is the ability to view your friends Orkut albums in a slide show format (similar to what Google offers Blogger users).

To activate this, users have to simply highlight their friend on Scrapboy, which will activate a "menu" to the right. After clicking on the photo album button...

...a new window will appear which will allow you to view your friends album in a slide show like format.

Online Status Indicator

While Google prefers to outsource the online status to Google Talk, with a few clicks you can find out if any of your friends are online.

In order to do this users must click the "Who" button...

...which will reveal a drop down menu. Simply click on the "Who is online?" button and users will be able to see which of their friends are actually logged into Orkut, and not merely Google Talk.

Note: Scrapboy also will inform you of new friend requests, upcoming birthdays, as well as your fans.

While version 2.0 of Scrapboy is very impressive, it did however leave out some of Orkut's other main features, like the news feed, as well as the video playlist.

Although I did encounter one minor bug, (which is probably on my end), the program ran relatively smooth. While Scrapboy is quite useful within the "orkutsphere," it looks as if they have already expanded their program into the "Myspace universe."

Users interested in Scrapboy can download the program over here, and if anyone has any other suggestions (or in need of support), they can visit the official Scrapboy forum over here.
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