Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hack: Making Orkut User Friendly (Via Stylish)

I think one of Orkut's greatest strengths is the fact that its simple appearance makes it easy for anyone to use, as well as navigate around the site.

Well, it seems a hack by JuanBR has improved upon Google's original design, creating a layout that gives the social network a more aesthetic taste (i.e. "it just looks better").

To see what I mean, here is a screen shot comparing Orkut before implementing this stylish hack:

And here is a screen shot after installing Stylish:

This hack requires Firefox, and for those of you who love visuals (I think I am going to have to create video's some day) here are step-by-step instructions on how to install this hack.

First, you are going to need to install Stylish for Firefox by visiting this link:
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2108 .

Next, click on the green "Install Now" button.

A pop up window should appear asking you if you really want to install the script (with a warning beside it).

Simply click on the Install Now button, which will load the add-on inside your Firefox. Note: I had no problems installing this script, but you should only install scripts from sites that you trust.

After its done, you will need to restart Firefox, (sad, but true) so simply close out your browser and come back here after the break. ;-)

Next, visit UserStyles.org (or rather http://userstyles.org/styles/3097) and click on the Load into Stylish button.

Another window should pop up (not highlighted here) asking you if you want to preview, save or cancel. Hit the save button, and then visit Orkut.com again.

I really love the layout of this hack, and I think it would be really cool if Google adopted this layout (or something similar) as it would definitely improves the over all look of the site. If anyone has any questions (or reviews) you can visit this site for details.

Note: Will add this hack underneath Orkut User Tools.
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