Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New: Formating,Smiley Faces On Orkut Community Profiles

(Hat Tip: Jerry from Orkut Plus)

Community owners rejoice! Users who own forums on Orkut will not have the ability to format text and even add smiley faces to their forum profiles.

You can see a great example of this in action over at the Orkut Plus community, who seems to be the only one thus far spicing up his forum's image.

For those of you who actually own your own forums (as opposed to moderating which is totally different) you can spice up your community profile by visiting its home page and clicking on the edit profile link...

...then scrolling down to the description section...

...and formating the appearance of the text to whatever fits your mood.

In order to make editing a little bit easier, users may want to consider installing Orkut Toolbar (review over here).

Note: I wonder whether Google would consider allowing users to add video's from YouTube to our community profiles?

Update (10/8): Thanks Jerry for catching that typo!
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