Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Should Orkut Integrate This Google Talk Hack?

(Hat Tip: Ramesh Chowdary from Tech Orchard)

A long, long time ago Google decided to add Google Talk to Orkut in order to allow friends to easily chat with each in real time.

Unfortunately Google Talk was very limited, causing some people to either whine about it (okay, so I was the only one complaining) while others decided to do actually create a hack for the rest of us.

Now it seems that a new Google Talk hack has emerged, that not only improves upon the previous hack, but also is in the "perfect spot" on the Orkut page.

(Gauravv.com) Recently i felt need of an IM client just inside orkut so that i can be in touch with who are online ,although i knew ultimately orkut will add this feature someday ..but why wait for them to take initiative :) so i made this greasemonkey script which does same thing,it also has support for multiuser conference :).

The beauty of this hack is that users can "hide" the Gtalk (or Google Talk) feature by clicking on the Hide Gtalk link...

...if they feel like browsing through their list of friends.

If they feel like chatting with someone online all they have to do is click Show Gtalk link...

...and they can begin to chat, or even call them if they would like.

If any Googlers are reading this post, hopefully they will consider adding this feature, along with a host of others rumored to be coming out this November.

Note: This hack is currently for Firefox users only, although I will see if I can find one for Internet Explorer 7 (as I'm seeking some useful hacks come out for that browser).

You will need to install GreaseMonkey first, as well as Macromedia Flash Player.

After that, head over to UserScripts.org to install this hack. I will add this hack underneath Orkut User Tools in the GreaseMonkey section.
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