Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Orkut: Indian Users Can Sport Diwali Background Theme

(Hat Tip: Rupesh Mandal of FunduBytes)

It looks as if Google is allowing Indian users to spice up their Orkut homepage by adding a Diwali theme to the background.

The feature is only available (and viewable) to Indian users to my knowledge, and Rupesh was kind enough to email me a snap shot on what it looks like on his profile.

In order to activate this, users have to click on the Happy Diwali link near their user name.

Despite my attempts at switching countries temporarily to India, the app refused to display for me.

Either way, I am glad Google is doing this for places like India, and it would be really cool if they did something similar for users living in Brazil, Pakistan and the US (hint, hint).
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