Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Who Will Dominate Orkut? Picasa, Or Slide.com?

Several days ago Google announced that they were making it easier for users to post images from Picasa Albums onto their friends scrapbook.

(Official Orkut Blog) In order to make it simpler to add photos, you can now access all your Picasa Web Albums from the photo picker. Simply go to your friend's scrapbook, click on "add photo" and select the "Picasa Web Album" tab in the photo picker [...]

This way if you've got hundreds of photos on Picasa Web (like me!) you can easily have your pick of the best ones by grabbing it right from the album, rather than having to re-upload photos from your computer.

While I am excited that Google is finally exposing more users to Picasa (as many people have yet to discover Picasa) this may be in response to Slide.com dominating the scene ever since Google allowed users to send fancy scraps to one another.

Before diving into whether or not Slide.com can handle Picasa's entrance into the scrapbook, here are some instructions (with images) on how to add your Picasa Ablum to your friend's scrapbook.

After visiting your friend's scrapbook, locate and click on the add photo button ...

...which will force a new window to "pop up." Next, select the Picasa Web Albums tab...

...and choose which album you would like to insert.

Last but not least, select the image you would like to use...

...and it should appear in your friend's scrapbook for all to see.

As far as competition goes, this feature does give Picasa an advantage over its rivals, although I am not too sure if it will dethrone Slide in the long run.

While both Picasa and Slide allow users to embed slide shows, what separates Slide from Picasa is that it gives users the ability to insert music within, which makes viewing images a whole lot easier.

Note: Hopefully the Picasa team will consider something similar, although I would not be surprised if they decided to outsource the audio to sites like Odeo.
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