Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Google Launches Polls In Orkut

(Hat Tip: Danny Piccirillo)

The boys and girls at Orkut have done it again! Orkut users now have the ability to create polls within their forums, allowing users to rate everything from whose the cutest couple, where is the best place to travel to even politics (which will probably get very ugly in the next couple of weeks).

Here is more from the Googleplex:

(Official Google Blog) Now all you orkut users can create and post polls in any community that you are a member of. Just click a button in your favorite community, type in your question, and add pictures (if you like), and voila!—community members can
vote and leave comments on your question of choice. [...]

Login to orkut and see what your orkut friends think! You might not see this right away in your favorite communities, but the feature will be rolling out to everyone soon.

Although unexpected, I am not too surprised that Google has launched this feature, as it may help to resolve the "vote by scrap" option, which will definitely help out forums such as Mr. And Mrs. Orkut.

Google seems to be releasing this in smaller forums first, probably in order to keep the donut errors from reappearing (which I thankfully have not seen in a long, long time).

To add a poll to your forum simply click on the "create polls" link near the top of your forum...

...verify that you are human...

...type in a polling question...

...insert an image (optional but recommend)...

...select your language (very important!)...

...Add in the choices (with images if you desire)...

...decide how many options are available (I recommend multiple) as well as who can vote (whether community members or everyone on Orkut).

Last but not least, select how long a poll should last (I would recommend an end date, although you can leave it open until the end of time).

After your done, simple hit the create button (near the bottom) and your brand new spanking poll should appear.

To view the polls in a forum, simply click on the "view polls button on the side (as seen in this image below).

You can check out the poll I created by clicking here. I can see this feature becoming quite useful, (especially for future Must Have Orkut Hacks) although I'll have to wait about a week before this migrates to the rest of my forums.
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