Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Saddam On Orkut

Aside from dating, hacks and discussions around technology, Saddam Hussein seems to be one of the major topics on Orkut.

With the execution of the former dictator of Iraq, some members are expressing joy or sorrow over the news of his life ending before the year was over.

Over in the United Nations forum, TicTac informs everyone of the news that Saddam is no more and calls for a beer.

Kristina disagrees, saying she would rather have Saddam rot in his cell than be executed. Sehtareh provides an interesting view of Saddam death and trial by saying:

I have vivid memory of Saddam's bombs dropping. I saw them first hand. I remember how enraged I was when I heard he had made a war memorial from the helmets of dead Iranian soldiers.

I wished him dead many times. But I would have been a lot happier person if he was hanged after a fair trial that exposed him for who he was. I dont want history to have any doubt about how evil he was, and the kangeroo court might just remain excuse for history to judge his fate.

There is also some discussion regarding Saddam's execution over in the American Politics forum, in which Brent thinks this event has made Saddam a god (note: Really?) in the eyes of the terrorists.

But the most interesting discussion seems to be in the International Relations community where Hugo has posted a humorous obituary (by Mario Benedetti) celebrating his death.

Interesting Note: I wonder what the Don't Kill Saddam forum is going to do now that their hero is gone?
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