Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Video Highlight: BIRUKU

One of the cool things I enjoy (that I probably should post more often) while surfing Orkut is that you get to see a lot of unique armature film directors sharing stories via camera.

Over in the Independent Film-makers forum, Gowtham has posted his debuted film and is already receiving some (mostly) constructive comments for his short movie (which you can watch below or on Google Video).

Although I've heard this story before (a long time ago) this is the first time that I've seen it in video format. The film is fairly long (over seven minuets) so you may want to watch this on your lunch break or after work.

Despite the screen being blurry (which is either do to Google Video's format or the camera used in the shooting) the overall message is pretty good, although I won't spoil the ending for those of you who have never heard of this story before.

Improvements to this movie are best summed up by Parvati:

[...] the concept was really gud..maybe u shud work on it again and let the boy's frustration show through a couple of more sequences...also concentrate a bit more on ur camera work..for me personally the transition shot when amar gets a call didn't work...the sound quality is another arena u should pay attention to..but over all a gud fantastic first project- keep up the gud work!!!

Great film Gowtham, and thanks for entertaining all of us (or at least me anyways).

Note: Does anybody know of any other great forums (not filled with spam) where users discuss their film projects?
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